X Testing WW1

Welcome to East Bridgford History Society

Welcome to East Bridgford History Society

Now an h3 header

[insert_php] echo “

This is in php

“; echo “

To find a serviceman in the database, first click on the letter corresponding to the initial of his surname.

\n”; echo “

Then select the name from the drop down list and click the Select Name button.

\n”; function getServiceNames_Ver2($RestrictedInitial) { /*echo (“in function getServiceNames_Ver2\n”);*/ $host=”nlha-rds01.cwz4sv39gcdu.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com”; $dbname=”east_bridgford_WW1″; $user=”bridgford01″; $passwd=”#Keith99″; $connection = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$passwd,$dbname) or die(“Sorry – unable to connect to MySQL”); /*echo(” you connected to MySQL. \n”);*/ $queryEBName= “SELECT * FROM names WHERE surname LIKE ‘$RestrictedInitial%’ ORDER BY surname, forename”; $result3 = mysqli_query($connection,$queryEBName) or die (“could not locate service name
“); /*echo (“ok, have executed query for serviceman name with initial $RestrictedInitial \n”);*/ $j = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result3)) { foreach($row as $colname => $value) { $array_multi[$j][$colname] = $value; /*print “$colname: $value
“;*/ } $j++; } return $array_multi; } $chosenInitial= “A”; if (!empty($_GET[‘ebname’])) { $chosenInitial= $_GET[‘ebname’]; } $labels = array(“A”=>”A”, “B”=>”B”, “C”=>”C”, “D”=>”D”, “E”=>”E”, “F”=>”F”, “G”=>”G”, “H”=>”H”, “J”=>”J”, “K”=>”K”, “L”=>”L”, “M”=>”M”, “O”=>”O”, “P”=>”P”, “R”=>”R”, “S”=>”S”, “T”=>”T”, “U”=>”U”, “W”=>”W”); echo “
“; echo “
\n”; foreach( $labels as $field =>$value) { echo “$value“; } echo “
\n”; $EBServiceManInfo = getServiceNames_Ver2($chosenInitial); echo ““; echo ““; echo “
“; [/insert_php]